Contemporary, in-venue, self-service

Interactive gaming for the betting industry.

Focusing on your retail gambling business

01 — Future-proofing

Innovative solutions for retail gambling markets that are a simple and efficient way for Betting shops to enhance the customer betting experience..

02 — Bring iT

PLYMKR has created the Bring it terminal, a unique in-shop hardware solution that facilitates more betting in less time.

03 — Tap'm'Bet

Gives customers the flexibility to bet on live event games in-shop or to continue their experience on-the-go. Bet on their own terms, in their own time.

Roubet Live™

Roubet Live™ allows a customer to play live Roulette in Betting shops, using their own phone. Load cash directly to your phone. Play games and watch results live, or opt for our remote messaging system to let you know when you’ve won. Play one spin or multiple spins. Cash winnings are collected in shop. Cash out Cash in with our “Tap’m’Bet” Technology.


Feature-rich self-service agnostic kiosk and EPOS led next generation product. Contemporary, in-venue, self-service kiosk and EPOS omnichannel solutions are at the heart of our proprietary retail technology offering - delivering enhanced partner choice and control across land environments.